Dumaguete City – SPU Dumaguete (SPUD) carried out its annual Prison Ministry on January 28 at the City and Provincial Jail in honor of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.
JAN 29

Dumaguete City – SPU Dumaguete (SPUD) carried out its annual Prison Ministry on January 28 at the City and Provincial Jail in honor of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. The event was participated and attended by the SPC Sisters, lay administrators, faculty members, staff, parents, students, Alumni Board members, and other stakeholders.
The Prison Ministry, which aims to offer spiritual guidance and support to the Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL), is a longstanding tradition at SPUD that is spearheaded by the Christian Formation Office led by its Vice President Dr. Mary Francis V. Laquinon. The program commenced with a Eucharistic Celebration, during which the PDL were reminded of the significance of faith and the transformative power of conversion in their lives.
Following the mass, the PDL participated in a variety of parlor games arranged and facilitated by the students coming from different departments. These games were designed to foster teamwork, communication, and leadership skills among the PDL. The students played a significant role in facilitating the games and provided encouragement and support to the PDL. The parlor games were one of the highlights of the program, as they provided a lighthearted moment and entertainment. They demonstrated SPUD's commitment to holistic education, which goes beyond academic excellence to include social skills, teamwork, and leadership qualities. PDL representatives also entertained the audience with their spectacular presentations, which was followed by a heartwarming message.
The Prison Ministry concluded with a closing remark and the distribution of gifts and lunch.
SPUD's Annual Prison Ministry is a testament to the university's dedication to social justice and community service. It serves as a reminder that faith and education can be powerful tools for personal growth and development, and that everyone deserves the opportunity to experience their transformative power.
#SPUDumaguete #TatakPaulinian #CommunityExtension #communityoutreach