
Alumna Donates Musical Instruments

FEB 21

Alumna Donates Musical Instruments

A year ago, February 2023, the couple Suzette "Bebotte" de Mira Foroozan and Reza donated several musical instruments that can be used by the students who are musically inclined.

Suzette de Mira Foroozan is an alumna who resides in Pulantubig. She is home for a vacation with hubby Reza.

This time around, they again donated another set of musical instruments. These were handed over to Sr. Mila Grace Silab, SPC, the University President on Feb. 19. In attendance to witness this rare moment were Mr. Carmelo Elli, the band master and in-charge of the choir and Mrs. Nella Ibarra, the Alumni Coordinator.

The instruments will certainly boost the collection the university has at the moment.

Thank you Ms. Suzette and Reza for your generosity and untiring support to your Alma Mater.

Caritas Christi Urget Nos!