
SPUD welcomes Paulinian Formators with benchmarking activities

JUL 05

SPUD welcomes Paulinian Formators with benchmarking activities

SPUD organizes a series of benchmarking activities for the Paulinian Formators from St. Paul College, Island Park, and St. Paul School Barotac Viejo last June 23.

"Truly, a Paulinian is warm, simple, and active," one of the SPCIP educators, Mrs. Aileen Caabay, exclaimed in her words of gratitude.

Following a brief program, Mr. Erven Noay welcomed the guests with SPUD's history of founding 118 years ago. Afterward, they were entertained by a production number of selected college students and a video presentation of why students should choose SPUD.

Finally, the guests took part in the campus tour as prepared by the External Affairs Office and the Paulinian Student Government, providing a glimpse of the institution.