Paulinian triathlete secures gold medal
MAR 26

CASE ace, Ray Manuel Rellon grabs the 1st place in Bayawan City Triathlon, Tawo-tawo Festival 2024 "Tri ta Bai", age group under 24 category last March 24, 2024.
The loud sounds of guns in Bayawan City boulevard at 5:30 in the morning starts the competition by setting off the participants of the triathlon (swim,bike,run) towards their road to victory.
Paulinian triathlete Ray Rellon states that he has been preparing for the event by either delving into the pool or starting his day with a bike ride before his 8 or 9 am classes starts. If he has no classes in the afternoon, he takes a run in the Macias Oval Complex.
Rellon has been training for three years and has been joining triathlon events in Dumaguete, Bohol, Dipolog, and Bayawan City. Rellon's next triathlon journey will be on April 2024 IRONMAN 70.3 at Cebu City.