
Engaging Our Community: A Journey of Love and Service in Outreach

APR 22

Engaging Our Community: A Journey of Love and Service in Outreach

The Junior High School Clubs and Organizations meaningfully conducted a Community Extension Services (CES) event named "PauliTriad: Engaging the Mind, Body and Spirit Activity" with the partner community in Pangas, Bantayan on April 20, 2024.

All JHS clubs actively participated in the event, promoting generosity and charity.

This activity provided Paulinian club moderators and students with an opportunity to deepen their connection with the community and contribute their talents and knowledge to a worthy cause. Indeed, students from various clubs showcased their skills and contributions, embodying the spirit of charity and service. Truly, the underlying motivation behind every community outreach endeavor is the genuine desire to enact positive change.


See full article here: Engaging Our Community: A Journey of Love and Service in Outreach