St. Paul University Dumaguete and Negros Polymedic Hospital come together to forge a meaningful partnership!
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Yesterday, September 3, 2024, we marked the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), solidifying our partnership and paving the way for our Paulinian Student Nurses to gain valuable hands-on experience and exposure to quality healthcare services at Negros Polymedic Hospital. The signing ceremony brought together key representatives from both institutions, including Sr. Mila Grace Silab, SPC, University President of SPUD, Cliford Kilat, RN, PhD, Dean of the College of Nursing, and Erven Noay, MA-CDDS, MAEd, Head of External Affairs from SPUD. Representing Negros Polymedic Hospital were Dr. Krypton G. Kho, Chief Executive Officer, William D. Bacolod, Jr. RN, MPA, Chief Nursing Officer, Shean A. Luzuriaga, RN, Assistant Chief Nursing Officer, and Shylah Marie P. Antone, MBA Hospital Administrator. This partnership is designed to provide our students with unparalleled opportunities for growth and development under the guidance of experienced professionals. We are thrilled to collaborate with Polymedic Hospital and look forward to a fruitful partnership that benefits both our institutions and the community at large!
#SPUD #PolymedicHospital #Partnership #ClinicalRotations #NursingEducation