SPUD inks MOA with P.E.D
MAY 17

Represented by the University President, Sr. Mila Grace Silab, together with Sr. Helen Malubay, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Tichie Ann Baena, Dean Graduate School, Dr. Ayeza Cathrina Tinagan, Program Chair, Mrs. Etherlyn Cadapan, University Registrar, and the External Affairs Head, Mr. Erven Noay, SPUD signed a Memorandum of Agreemnt with PED with Mr. Shujie Guo, Founder/General Manager and Mr. Mohammad Ebrahim Mansouri, Philippines Team Managing Director.
The Philippine Education Development (China) LTD (PED) is a corporation which serves as an educational consultant with the vast and long professional experience in disseminating information on universities all over the world.Moreover PED offers to assist SPUD in recruiting Chinese students, marketing the University and assisting potential Graduate Students.
SPUD offers a variety of Masters and Doctoral programs in the Graduate School in the areas of Education, Business Administration, Public Administration, and Nursing in which potential Chinese students can choose from.
A live broadcast was also done with the prospective students where the SPUD officials gladly answered their queries as regards the curricula, enrollment and admission processes.
The realization of the partnership will take effect soon.
Congratulations to both parties on this great collaboration!