Strengthening Home-School Collaboration: New BED PHCC Officers & Members Inducted for the Academic Year 2023-2024
AUG 27

The Basic Education Department Parent-Homeroom Collaborating Council (PHCC) Officers & Members were formally inducted for the Academic Year 2023–2024 on August 27, 2023 held at the St. Paul, the Apostle Chapel.
The newly installed University Chaplain, Fr. Aloysius Ma. Moraga, MMHC presided the Eucharistic Celebration to kick off the induction rites. The PHCC Officers & Members then took their oath of office before the inducting officer, Sr. Mila Grace Silab, SPC, University President.
With sixteen (16) Parent Officers from the Grade School, sixteen (16) Parent Officers from the Junior High School, and twenty-two (22) Parent Officers from the Senior High School and the Basic Education Homeroom Advisers as members, this year's council reflects the commitment to strengthening the partnership between home and the school.
To celebrate fellowship and collaboration, a humble ‘Agape’ was held at the university canteen. Sr. Maria Althea B. Alfonso, SPC, the Basic Education Principal presented the department’s accomplishments from the previous Academic Year as well as the upcoming Basic Education activities before the newly inducted PHCC Officers and Members.
As the Academic Year progresses, the Parent-Homeroom Collaborating Council stands poised to facilitate seamless cooperation and collaboration, enriching the Paulinian educational journey for all involved. Truly, this event underscores the unwavering partnership between the home and the school. A stronger and healthier Paulinian community is thus created when the home and the school work together.