
SPUD College of Nursing Joins Medical-Dental Mission

MAR 03

SPUD College of Nursing Joins Medical-Dental Mission

The Student Nurses of the College of Nursing together with Mr. Leemuel Rodriguez and other Cis joined the Medical-Dental Mission sponsored by the de Mira Memorial Fund spearheaded by Suzette and Reza Foroozan. Suzette and other members of the de Mira Family are all Paulinians and medical-mission is an advocacy of theirs.

It was held at Dauin Central Elementary School, Dauin, Negros Oriental on March 2, 2025. It catered to more or less 300 residents of the same town. Services included tooth extraction, blood typing, blood sugar testing, x-ray and minor surgery. Free medicines were also given.

Our student nurses were in-charge of getting the vital signs and assisting the doctors doing minor surgeries. Some of them conducted health teaching to some residents who were waiting for their prescriptions to be filled-out.

The Medical-Dental Mission was a huge success, thanks to the generous groups who also joined like the NORSU College of Pharmacy, Dental Chapter of Neg. Or., Rotary Club East

Dental Group and the Brotherhood of Christian Professionals and Businessmen (BCBP).

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Foroozan and the entire de Mira Family for inviting our Paulinian nurses and the opportunity to be a part of this noble cause.

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